The information herein is current as of the time of its latest revisions and may be updated at anytime.
Rental Options and Fees
1. Group Curling Outing: $35.00/adult ($280 minimum)
$15.00/minor (18 or younger)
2 hours including curling instruction, game play, all equipment, and clubroom access including
tables, chairs, and kitchen. The fee is for each person who participates in the Ice House. Cash,
check, or credit card are all acceptable forms of payment. The person requesting the rental
must provide the phone number and email address of the person responsible for payment to the rental coordinator. Payment is due the date of the rental prior to going on the ice. If paying via credit card, a PayPal invoice will be sent a few days prior to your rental. The amount will be
based on the number of participants given to the rental coordinator ten (10) days in advance of
the rental date. Refunds will not be provided for no shows. Any additional participants must pay via check or cash to a rental volunteer prior to going on the ice. Exclusive use of the facility and ice is not guaranteed.
2. Youth Curling Outing: $15/minor, $20/adult ($200 minimum)
Same as regular Group Curling Outing but a discount for adults curling if the majority of
attendees are minors. This is meant for schools, youth groups, etc. The Club recommends all
participants be at least 8 and above. Groups must provide adequate chaperones for supervision both on and off the ice. Chaperones may participate in curling provided if it does not interfere with their supervisory duties.
3. Non-Curling Events
2 hours with clubroom access including tables, chairs, and kitchen. Nominal time for set up andteardown is included. Additional event time is $75.00/hour. Exclusive us of the facility is not
Club Availability
The Club is available for rental year-round with ice typically from November through March.
Availability is dependent on scheduled activities taking place at the club including leagues,
bonspiels, other rentals etc. The is a calendar on the club website for reference. During the
curling season the Club prefers a two-week lead time along with dates and times to allow the
rental coordinator to arrange for volunteers to help with your group. Rentals may be cancelled
due to a lack of volunteers-see Cancellation Section. Rentals are normally done at the following
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday-2:00 to 4:00PM
Tuesday-1:00 to 3:00 PM
Saturday-Anytime available
Sunday-By Special Request
Ice House Capacity
The ice house consists of four lanes or “sheets” of curling ice. Based on standard game play,
there are two teams of four players each. This allows for 8 people per sheet and a capacity of
32 people. If the Renter is agreeable for people to share their spots up to 40 people may be
accommodated. If there are more participants than that please check with the Rental
Coordinator for possible accommodations.
Security Deposit
At this time the Appleton Curling Club does not require a security deposit.
Reasonable care in the use of the facility and grounds is expected. The total cost of any loss,
repair, or replacement necessary as the result of the event is the responsibility of the Renter.
Payment in full must be received no later that the day of the rental. Payments may be made by
cash, check, or credit card via a PayPal Invoice.
-Make checks payable to “Appleton Curling Club” and clearly label with the event group and
-If paying via credit card a PayPal invoice will be sent prior to the rental based on the number of participants told to the Rental Coordinator ten (10) days in advance of the rental.
-Once a check or credit card payment is received, a full or partial refund is only available if the
rental is canceled or other extraordinary circumstance such as weather, equipment failure, etc.
-If mailing payment prior to the day of the rental, mail to: Rental Coordinator-Appleton Curling
Club, 307 N. Westhill Blvd. Appleton, WI 54914
-Final payments may also be given to a rental volunteer the day of the rental.
-The Club reserves the right to cancel any rental event at any time for any reason.
-If the Renter needs to change or cancel the event, the Club appreciates as much advanced
notice as possible. There is no monetary penalty for a late cancel, but it may affect future
Member In Charge
A member of the Club will be designated as the Member-In-Charge for the rental event. The
primary responsibility of the Member-In-Charge is to ensure the safety and well being of guests
and Club property. Guests are expected to respect and follow all instructions from the Member-In-Charge. Any problems or questions can be directed to the Rental Coordinator, Club President, or the Board of Directors. Contact information can be found at
Guest Responsibility on the Curling Ice
-To keep the ice clean, carry in a pair of tennis shoes (preferably shoes worn indoors only).
Street shoes must be thoroughly cleaned before going on the ice. There are cleaning brushes
available at the Club.
-No shoes with slick soles (dress shoes, heeled, or leather soled). A participant must wear
tennis shoes. A participant may not be allowed in the Ice House without the proper footwear.
-Stones, brooms, and sliders should be returned to their proper places when finished.
-Participants shall not pick rocks up off the ice.
-Guest safety is of paramount importance.
-Before entering the Ice House all guests are required to sign a Participant Release Form.
-Children under 18 must have the Minor Participant Release signed by a parent/legal guardian.
-Dress warmly! The Ice House is 38 degrees. Recommended apparel includes the following:
-Athletic type shoes with warm socks
-Flexible pants
-Shirts with long tails
-Layers-sweatshirts, flexible coats, gloves, mittens
Guests with Disabilities
The Club is located in an older building with the Ice House accessible by wheelchair. The
clubroom area is a split level with access only by stairs. The Club will accommodate guests with
disabilities as best as possible.
Food and Beverages
The Club does not provide any food and/or beverage service. Soda and bottled water are not
available for purchase. Non-alcoholic beverages may be brought in to the club. Beer may be
available from the bar if and only if one of the volunteers is a licensed bartender in the Town of
Grand Chute. The Renter may request a bartender, but it is not guaranteed. If a bartender is
requested and utilized, a fee of $50.00 will be added on to the total rental fee. Due to Town
of Grand Chute statutes, a licensed bartender must be present in the bar if beer is being served.
Otherwise, the taps will remain locked. Cost for beer is posted in the bar and is above and
beyond the fee for the bartender. Nobody under the legal drinking age of 21 is allowed
downstairs in the bar area. If the Renter will be bringing in food or having food catered, the
Club needs to be notified. It is the responsibility of the Renter to ensure that their food service
follows the Facility Use Guidelines and Restrictions.
Facility Use Guidelines and Restrictions
-No food is allowed in the Ice House.
-No one under the age of 21 is allowed in the bar area downstairs
-Alcoholic beverages MAY NOT be carried in.
-Beverages other than bottled water in plastic bottles may not be brought in to the Ice House.
Bottled water must be kept on the ledge at the near end of the ice.
-No Smoking is allowed inside the Appleton Curling Club
-NO bird seed, confetti, rice etc. may be thrown inside the building
-Amplified music must be approved by the Club
-NO use of nails, adhesive tape, decorating wire is allowed
-An Insurance Certificate is required when specifically requested by the Club
-It is understood that Club members may be at the club using the clubroom and/or ice during
rental hours unless exclusive use of the Club has been made with the Rental Coordinator.
Cleaning Guidelines
All areas used are to be cleaned lightly at the end of the event
-Kitchen and clubhouse floors are free of debris
-All trash and recycling are placed in proper containers
-Club grounds are free of litter
-All bottles, including those brought in the ice house, are disposed of in proper containers
-Failure to clean up in a satisfactory manner may result in a cleaning charge. The amount
will be determined by the ACC Board of Directors, based on costs of cleanup.
Renter Expectations Prior to and Day of Event
-Fill out the information found on the last page of this document 10 days prior to your rental and return to the Rental Coordinator at
[email protected]
-Schedule the rental with the Rental Coordinator
-Ten (10) days prior to the event, provide a number of participants to the Rental Coordinator.
-Fill out the Individual or Group Participant Release. These will be provided by the Member In
Charge or can be found on the Rental page of the Club website.
-Any minor participants need to fill out a Minor Participant Release filled out by their parent or
legal guardian. Minors will not be allowed on the ice unless this form is filled out prior to
stepping on the ice.
-Renters may arrive 15-20 minutes prior to their scheduled rental time. Please park in the north
parking lot.
-Proceed upstairs to the Club Room and wait for instructions and safety rules from the Member in Charge.
-Pay the Member in Charge if payment is still required.